Monday, October 25, 2010


As you may have noticed, there are some updates to our humble blog.  I've added a new header, a poll, chronological pictures with links to my previous blogs, and a subscription option.  I hope these improvements will make learning about and keeping up with Clark a little simpler.  If you haven't become a follower yet, please consider doing so.  I try to update the blog frequently and there is always something exciting going on around here.  I also added a Paypal Donation button.  There is definitely no pressure here, I've just had a few requests for one.  As you can imagine, this year has certainly thrown our budget for a loop.

The top two pictures on the right side have links that take you to and, respectively.  The first one is about my pregnancy with comprehensive information on pPROM and the second one is Clark's detailed NICU blog. If you are a pPROM parent or a current/past/present NICU parent, I am always interested in hearing your story.  Email me any time, leave your pPROM story here or fill our the pPROM survey here.  My aim for my pPROM blog is support and information for mothers & families experiencing premature preterm rupture of membranes.  I get loads of traffic there and I believe that the information it contains has helped save babies.  If you know someone experiencing pPROM, please refer them to my blog.

Thank you for being a loyal reader of Superboy Clark.  It means so much to us that so many people are interested in his life and pray for him constantly.

1 comment:

  1. Brandy, Clark is SO beautiful. You have been an amazing mother since you have become pregnant with him. Your blogs have gotten me through soo much when I was pregnant. You gave me so much hope and information, I couldn't have asked for more...all while you were going through a journey yourself. You have a big heart and Clark and Jeramy are lucky to have you as their mother and wife :) I LOOOVE this blog and can't wait to hear more about Clark's updates. I would like to start one soon for NeVaeh as well besides the carepage. I have to ask, how did you do your video/pictures? I have been wanting to do something like this since I found this one video back when I was pregnant about this girl who ppromed at 19 weeks..I'm sure you have seen it? ;) Anyways, just wanted to let you know we appreciate you taking the time to write about Clark and we are always keeping you in our prayers!

    <3 Amber, Nick, and NeVaeh
