Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let's see how well my memory is working..

We've been very, very busy lately.  So I do apologize for not blogging sooner.  Most recently Clark has had his 6 month NICU follow-up appointment & a pediatric visit.

The NICU follow-up went well.  He's 2 months advanced cognitively, 1 month advanced with fine motor skills and behind in gross motor, expressive & receptive communication.  The gross motor can be explained by his limitations due to his hip issues.  He's not able to start therapy yet because of the ongoing process of fixing the hip.  The low score on receptive communication is due to his vision problems.  And I'm not really sure about the expressive communication issue.  That one could just be his personality.

Speaking of vision, his eye appointment is in December.  His eyes will be dilated and refracted and then he'll likely be fitted with glasses.  We fully expect a "legally blind" diagnosis, considering the underdevelopment of his optic nerve .  I'm just putting that out there so that if it is the case, none of you will be shocked.  If you know us personally, you may have noticed that Clark does not make eye contact and rarely interacts visually.  If you've wondered about that, it's due to his underdeveloped optic nerve because of his missing septum pellucidum.

The pediatric appointment did not go so well.  Firstly, Clark was denied by his insurance for his RSV vaccine.  For those of you who don't know what RSV is, it is basically like a common cold in adults but in infants and preemies, in particular, it is deadly...extremely serious business.  I am currently appealing the denial and I'm hopeful, but not holding my breath. This is a $1,000/month vaccine, folks.  Every time I go out and interact with people I come home and decontaminate with antimicrobial soap..from head to toe.  Yes, that green stuff from the hospital.  Somehow, I'm sure that I'm shortening my lifespan by slathering that stuff on, but if it keeps the germies away, then GREAT.  Clark has been in quarantine for over a month now.

The bad part is that Jeramy works for the airline.  He comes in contact with people and luggage that has been everywhere in the world, from the Middle East to Russia, Central America and Africa, even.  There is literally no telling what kinds of germs he's bringing into our house.  Clark's pediatrician said that Jeramy's job is not conducive to Clark's health.  That's not bad news at all. Ugh. 

He also had to have labs drawn because he is anemic and his doctor wanted to check his iron levels and his cortisol levels before clearing him for surgery.  They did a finger prick and filled 2 vials with his blood.  Yes, it was 3 minutes of pure screaming torture.  Poor baby. :(  I'm waiting on pins and needles to hear from her about those results.

The good news is that Clark is growing!  He's ON THE CHART height-wise!!! The 5th percentile never felt so good.  He's making his own tiny curve weight-wise, but he is starting to eat more baby food and cereal and yogurt so hopefully he can pack on some more ounces.  Send good growing vibes Clark's way, he's currently 13 lbs 1.25oz & 8.5 months old.  Yes...he looks like a 2-3 month old.

Speaking of that sweet little boy, here's a recent pic:

I know all of you are and have been praying for Clark and we can't tell you how much we appreciate that.  I have all the confidence in the world in our team at Scottish Rite and I am praying for them to do everything that Clark needs to get his hip fixed and stay healthy in the process.  His doctor/surgeon's name is Dr Birch if you'd like to pray for him, specifically.  Clark's surgery is scheduled for October 20.  Bearing all complications, that will be the big day.  Please also pray for Jeramy & I, especially me...that we can hold it together and be strong for Clark.
Also, keep our friends, the Gallaways, in your prayers.  Adjusting back to "normal" life after what they have been through is not easy.  They need all the prayers and good thoughts you can send their way.

I'm sure there's something I skipped over in this update, and I do apologize.  I feel like I've been crazy-busy lately and if I didn't have everything programmed into the calendar on my phone, I'd never know what I was supposed to be doing!  Well, thank you for caring about Clark enough to come visit and read.  Until next time...

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