Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nasogastric Tubes & such...

I'm writing this blog from Dell Children's hospital in 436.  We voluntarily admitted Clark for placement of an ng feeding tube because he hasn't gained weight in 5 months.  It was time, in other words.  Sure, he gained an ounce here & there, but next thing you know, he'd lose it again.  Just for reference, in June, he was 18 lbs 15 oz and today he was 19 lbs 2 oz. 

So, shortly a nurse will be in to show us how to place the feeding tube (it will be in one of his nostrils) and feed him via the tube.  The plan is to supplement him at night with around 400 calories of formula (Boost Kid Essentials 1.5).  During the day, he'll be free to eat as he pleases.  Recently, he's been eating really well...for a toddler.  But, not anywhere close to enough to get him caught up. 

Fingers crossed---hopefully this is the ticket to a healthy weight for Clark.  Thank you all for the prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Brandi, I know this was not an easy decision for you and Jeramy to make, but you are doing the right thing. Getting him caught up with his weight will make a big difference with other things. We will be praying for you three with hopes that this transition goes well and that it does work. We love you guys!
