So--it's been a long time since I've posted one of "these" type posts. I guess I was trying to keep everything positive & upbeat (if a bit sparse) on the blog. But, this is kind of a big deal.
Clark was given a short-term (2 week) time frame in which to show decent improvement with his weight. Just as a refresher, he's 20 months old and is hovering close to 19 lbs. Yes, he's about the weight of the average baby 1/2 his age. If he doesn't show improvement by Monday, he is going to be admitted to Dell Children's in Austin for a nasogastric (nasal) feeding tube. He'll likely be there for several days, if admitted. I assume that if he is admitted & if he shows improvement with the NG tube that we'll be given the choice to surgically install a g-button (feeding tube directly in his belly). But, I think that we would also have the choice of keeping it in his nose. That is something we have to pray/think about. It's all pretty extreme, especially the surgical route.
That's where you guys come in. We need lots of prayers in the next 5 days, specifically for weight gain. I must admit that this feeding tube business isn't a battle I want to fight. I just want him to eat and gain like any normal baby would. As I've learned though--it doesn't quite work that way with Clark. But, I've also learned that prayers work. Just remember when he was in the NICU fighting for his life. You guys prayed for him, and here he is! Feisty as all get-out. (I have to constantly remind myself that I promised God I'd take whatever he gave me as long as I could bring Clark home.) Suffice it to say, Clark is really feisty.
These days, he's up to his nose in books. He'll tell you about cats & cupcakes or Bruce Wayne & the batcave. He and Kade have the best time playing, one of their favorite phrases is "I want to play!" He's started wearing his glasses regularly, so that's progress. He also loves green beans (too bad they're not packed with calories).
Thanks for taking the time to read this, wish it was more upbeat. Please pray for pounds. Until next time...